Decorate a Staircase - Interior Design Ideas

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Decorate a Staircase - Interior Design Ideas


  1. Decorate Staircase - Front Stoop

    This may be a small staircase yet everyone who enters the home uses them to get to the front door. Decorating cement stairs can be more whimsical and fun.

    • Choose a three word or short saying like 'Welcome to our house'.
    • Tape the letter stencils onto the riser, with blue painter' s tape, to form the word.
    • Use outdoor paint and a stippling brush to paint the letters. Use a jabbing motion. Let dry and give it a second coat.
    • Start on the step closest to the ground, using large letter stencils, paint 'Welcome' on the front part of the step.
    • Depending on how many steps there are paint 'to our' on the front of the next step.
    • The front of the top step paint 'house'.
    • Be creative with colors and any additional scrolls, flowers, etc.
    When guests arrive your staircase will welcome them before they ring the doorbell.

  2. Decorate Staircase - Paint the Runner

    Interior decorating does not stop with painting the walls of the stairway. Instead of buying a runner paint one.
    • Measure from the wall inward, on each step and riser, and pencil in where the runner will be painted.
    • Use blue painter' s tape and poly or paper bags and tape off where you do not want to paint.
    • Ensure the tape is securely fastened to avoid bleeding.
    • Use flat paint and a small roller to put a light coat of paint. Let dry and give the runner a second coat.
    • After paint is thoroughly dry roll on two to three coats of polyurethane.
    • Let dry and carefully remove the painter' s tape.
    This custom stair runner will not move or need to be vacuumed. Use a damp cloth to keep clean.

  3. Decorate the Staircase Interior Design

    If you have wall papered the staircase walls, use a coordinating pattern and wallpaper the stair risers.
    • Prep the wooden stair riser just as you prep the walls for the wallpaper.
    • Ensure that the bottom is straight and the top of the wallpaper, for each riser, rolls under the next step. This helps to keep it securely in place.

  4. Decorate the Staircase - Your Own Style

    The staircase in the home is a great place to be creative with home decorating ideas.
    • When decorating with a Tuscan theme find small wrought iron medallions to put on the risers.
    • For a staircase in the basement leading to the family entertainment area paint coordinating emblems or colors on the steps and risers.
    • For a long staircase stencil, on the top few steps, the number of steps left to climb.

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